[Amr khaled] In Thy Name, we Live – باسمك نحيا




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Episode 1:
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Episode 2:
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Episode 3:
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Episode 4:
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Episode 5:
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Episode 6:
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Episode 7:
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Episode 8:
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Episode 9:
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Episode 10:
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Episode 11:
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Episode 12:
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Episode 13:
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Episode 14:
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Episode 15:
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Episode 16:
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Episode 17:
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Episode 18:
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Episode 19:
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Episode 20: watch online
Episode 21:
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Episode 22:
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Episode 23: watch online*
Episode 24: watch online*
Episode 25 (and the last): watch online*

* With english subtitels


English Text


Episode 1-Intro
Episode 2: Al-Fattah (The Superb Arbiter)
Episode 3: Al-Shakour (The Appreciative )
Episode 4: At-Tawwab (The Superbly Relenting)
Episode 5: Ar-Razzak (The Superb Provider)
Episode 6: Ar-Razzak (The Superb Provider) part2
Episode 7 – Ar-Raqeeb (The Watcher)
Episode 8: Al-Jabbar (The Superb Comforter- The Superb Potentate)
Episode 9: Al-Wakeel (The Ultimate Trustee)
Episode 10: Al-Khaleq (The Creator)
Episode 11: Ar-rahman Ar-Raheem
Episode 12- The Almighty

Episode 13: The Praiseworthy (Al-Hamid)

Episode 14: The Guide

Episode 15: Al-Qahhar (The Superb Vanquisher)

Episode 16: Al –Wadood (The Ever-Affectionate)

Episode 17: Al-Haqq (The Truth)

Episode 18: (Al-Ghafur)The Ever-Forgiving

Episode 19: Al-Waliyy (The Ever-Patronizing Patron)

Episode 20: Al-Ahad (The Only One)

Episode 21: Al-Wahhab (The Superb Bestower)

Episode 22: Al-Mojeeb (The Supreme Answerer)

Episode 24: Al-Afuww (The Effacer of sins)
Episode 25: The Final Episode






Besmika nahya -باسمك نحيا nasheed/song:







DivX Player (recommend) Download 15,1 mb




37 kommentarer

  1. salam `alaykum wa raHmat ALLAHi wa barakatuhu,

    awesome site ma sha’ Allah !!

    How do I download it to my ipod video so that i plays? I tried downloading it from the google site and it didn’t work. Can you send them to me directly? maybe you can use http://www.yousendit.com

    jazak Allahu khayran !!

    fi ‘amanillah,

  2. salam alaikum.

    jazak allah alf kair brother.

    salams =3

  3. As’salamu aleikom angie.

    If you have an MP3/MP4 player (like a Ipod) that supports .AMV video playback, then you will need the following tool to convert your videos to a .AMV file so it will be playable on your ipod.

    First step; Download a Amr khaled episode from this site
    Second step; Open the episode with “AMV Convert Tool” and convert the episode to a AMV file.
    Thrid step: Upload the converted episode to your Ipod.

    And inshAllah it will work.

    Wa’salamu aleikom
    Imanflash Admin

  4. جزاك الله خيراً

  5. thank you

  6. جزاكم الله كل خير

  7. السلام عليكم ورجمة الله وبركاته
    جزاك الله ألف خير يا استاذ عمرو خالد واسال الله ان تكون سببا في هداية شباب المسلمين
    انا كل مااحاول احمل أي حلقة من حلقات برامجك تتحمل معايا لكن ماتشتغل
    والله العظيم تعبت كثير وانا احاول ولكن بلا فائدة ولااعرف السبب
    وليس لدي احد خبير في شؤون الحاسوب ممكن ومن بعد اذنك ترسيلي بعض من حلقات برامجك (باسمك نحيا)
    حتى لو حلقة واحدة واتمنى ان تكون اسم الله (العفـــو
    وجزاك الله خير الجزاء

  8. جزاااااااااااكم اللــــــــــــه كـــــل الخيـــــــر

    وجعل ذلك في ميزان حسناتكم أجمعين

  9. جزاكم الله خير الجزاء على هذا الموقع وهذه الحلقات واتمنى ان تكون الحلقات بجودة عالية وكنت اتمنى ان اجد حلقات على خطى الحبيب جودة عالية

    • if anyone needs ala Khota AlHabeeb video torrent file, please email me at iron.539.16@gmail.com

  10. لماذا لايدعم الموقع عملية اعادة وتكملة التحميل عند انقطاع الخط او التوقف لاي سبب

  11. Jazaka allah khayran.
    Thanks for the Amr Khaled videos, his lectures help me strengthen my iman. Keep them coming as long as it is legal top do so. Thanks again

  12. جزاكم الله كل الخير

  13. assalamou 3alaikoum wara7matou allh wa barakétouhou ,
    moi c samed de france , g toujour reugardé lé dourouss de amr khaled sur son site officiell ,g aimé téléchérgé , mai jé pa trouvé ou , é voila , hamdou lillah g trouvé le bon site ou jpeu enfin téléchargé !!
    choukran lakoum , wa jazékoum allah koulla khayr !
    merci Amr khaled !
    assalamou 3alaikoum

  14. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    لا اجد كلام معبر سوى بار ك الله فيك وجزاك كل خير وجعل كل ذلك في ميزان حسناتك

  15. بارك الله فيك
    جزاك الله عن الاسلام خيرا

    جهد طيب و كبير يستحق الثناء و الدعاء لكم

    بكل ود و تقدير

  16. […] لتحميل حلقات البرنامج من مدونة [إمان فلاش] […]

  17. merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  18. merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  19. merci bcp bcp…
    atmanna lw tekoun fi sous titre en francais .

  20. merci pour ce site qui nous a permi de voir tous les episodes de Bismika Nahya wa jazakoum ALLAH khayran. salamou alaykoum

  21. Salam alaikum =)

    Are you going to upload this years show ( el Janah fe byotna)?

    Hope to hear from you soon. Take care and salaaam

    BTW, Ramadan kareem =)

    wa’aleikom es’salam Arabs

    Not me, but a dear brother from islamicmedia.wordpress.com will do it, inshAllah.
    Try to visit http://islamicmedia.wordpress.com/%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%88-%D8%A8%D8%B1%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%86%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%89-%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%84%D8%B9%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%88-%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%84/

  22. Assalamu aleykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh,

    I tried to download the videos to my computer by clicking on download but nothing appears …

    Do I need to dowload something ? How to process ?

    jazakumulahu kheyr
    Wa’aleikom es’salam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh Ali

    Hmm..ok – try now :).

  23. Barakallahufik for answering me so quickly !

    Yeah it is still possible to watch the videos online but nt to download them … is it normal ?

    I’ve noticed that you’ve removed the “download” item so maybe there is a problem on google video … or maybe I need to download a software, isn’t it ?

    I don’t know but barakallahufik in any case

    Yeah, there is a problem on google video, the direct-download don’t work anymore :(. But u can use a software called VDownloader 0.6. VDownloader allows you to download videos from Youtube, Google Video, Metacafe, MySpace and many other similar sites, saving them in AVI or MPG format. Try it; http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Download-Managers/VDownloader.shtml

    Or try to click on the “Download”-button (over the watch-online section) and download the episodes at islamicmedia.wordpress.com


  24. […] In Thy Name, We Live […]

  25. رسول اللة صلى الله علية وسلم يقول جعل اللة الرحمة مائة جزء فامسك عنده تسعه وتسعين جزءا وانزل الارض جزءا واحدا منة ذلك الجزء تتراحم به الناس فسبحان اللة

  26. سبحان الله رب العرش العظيم وسعت رحمته كل شئ ولاالله الا الله

  27. لاتقل يارب عندى هم كبير بل قل ياهم لى رب كبير

  28. علمت ان رزقى لن ياخذة احد فاطمان قلبى ولااله الا الله

  29. Asalam o aliakum,
    can you please translate Parables of the Qur’an?

  30. c’est vraiment génial, j’aiime beaucoup ** amr khaled **, que le bon dieu le garde et le protège.

  31. what do u mean, Sarah?

  32. asc wrt wbrt

    masha allah it made me newperson after i listen the meaning of allah names, and i am close to my alwaduud. alxamdulilaah jzkllahukheyr cmr khalid allah forgive us our sins aamiin

  33. salam 3aleykom ya ekhwa, oureed anne atoub illallah soubhaneh we ta3ala

  34. jazakum allah khayran
    wal salam aleikum.

  35. salamoullah 3aleykoum wara7matoullah.
    ya ikhwani almouslimine atmna law bitsa3edouni 3ala igraa alrijal. mouch 3ane gazd a3mel hada alchey 3ayza akoun tahra ma3a khatibi wi ma akhounouch wi choukran
    jazakoum allah alf khaire ehabaii fillah

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